Sainani SciWrite笔记

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Sainani SciWrite笔记

#Sainani SciWrite笔记| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


斯坦福写作课程笔记 1 写作纲领2 写作流程3 The Pre-writing Step4 The Writing StepRecommended order for writing an original manuscript4.1 Tables and Figures4.2 Results4.3 Methods and Materials4.4 Introduction4.5 Discussion4.6 Voice & Verb tense4.7 punctuation 5 Revision5.1 Paragraphs5.2 Cut unnecessary words and phrases5.2 Write with verbs5.3 A few more tips:

1 写作纲领

■Convey an idea clearly and concisely. Complex ideas don’t require complex language. ■Scientific writing should be easy and even enjoyable to read! ■Read, pay attention, and imitate. ■Accept that writing is hard for everyone.

2 写作流程

■ Prewriting 70%    collect, synthesize, and organize information    Brainstorm take-home messages    Work out ideas away from the computer    Develop a road map/outline ■Writing the first draft 10%    Putting your facts and ideas together in organized prose ■Revision 20%    Read your work out loud    Get rid of clutter    Do a verb check    Get feedback from others

3 The Pre-writing Step

1 Gather and organize information BEFORE writing the first draft. 2 work out take-home messages 3 organize your paper (Arrange a crude road map/outline. Think in paragraphs and sections…) 4 write on the go! 碎片化时间思考

4 The Writing Step

Writing the first draft is the hardest step for most people. Minimize the pain by writing the first draft quickly and efficiently!

1 Don’t be a perfectionist! 2 The goal of the first draft is to get the ideas down in complete sentences in order. 3 Focus on logical organization more than sentence-level details.

Recommended order for writing an original manuscript

Editors, reviewers, and readers may look first (and maybe only) at titles, abstracts, and tables and figures!

■1. Tables and Figures ■2. Results ■3. Methods ■4. Introduction ■5. Discussion ■6. Abstract

4.1 Tables and Figures

Figures and tables should stand alone and tell a complete story. The reader should not need to refer back to the main text. 格式要标准,参考目标期刊中已发表的论文即可

Tables vs. Figures ■Figures   Visual impact   Show trends and patterns   Highlight a particular result ■Tables   Give precise values   Display many values/variables

Tips 1 Use the fewest tables and figures needed 2 Do not present the same data in both a figure and a table

Tips for tables 1 table title: Use the same key terms in the table title, the column headings, and the text of the paper; Keep it brief! 2 Make sure everything lines up and looks professional 3 Omit unnecessary columns

Tips for graphs ■Tell a quick visual story ■Keep it simple! ■Make it easy to distinguish groups ■If it’s too complex, maybe it belongs in a table Line graphs: show trends over time, age, or dose. Bar graphs: compare groups at one time point; tell a quick visual story Scatter plots: show relationships between two variables.

4.2 Results


The results section should: ■1 Summarize what the data show   Point out simple relationships   Describe big-picture trends ■2 Avoid simply repeating the numbers that reader What’s already in the tables.

时态 ■past tense for completed actions ■ present tense for assertions that continue to be true   such as what the tables show, what you believe, and what the data suggest ■Use the active voice(we found、we added)

4.3 Methods and Materials

●Give a clear overview of what was done ●Give enough information to replicate the study (like a recipe!) ●Be complete, but make life easy for your reader!   1.Break into smaller sections with subheadings   2.Cite a reference for commonly used methods   3.Display in a flow diagram or table where possible, 在这里插入图片描述

4.4 Introduction

Should focus on the specific aim/hypothesis of your study

2~5段,一般为3段 ●Para 1: What’s known ●Para 2: What’s unknown(limitations and gaps in previous studies) ●Para 3: Your burning question/hypothesis/aim Your experimental approach Why your experimental approach is new and different and important (fills in the gaps)

TIPS ■ Keep paragraphs short ■ Write for a general audience(clear, concise, non-technical ■ Emphasize how your study fills in the gaps (the unknown), ■ 不必具体说明研究内容,不要写结果 ■ Summarize at a high level

4.5 Discussion

What do my results mean and why should anyone care? 在这里插入图片描述 ● defend your conclusion:预见人们可能会提出的批评,他们不同意的理由 ●give a big picture:强调你研究的重大意义 ●Start and end with the main finding "We found that…“ 在这里插入图片描述

4.6 Voice & Verb tense

Voice active voice:introduction, results, and discussion   we found、we added passive voice:use jargen and the passive voice more liberally in the method section to emphasis the method or variable

Verb tense ■past tense for completed actions   study details, results, analyses, and background research   we measured   We found that   Subjects may have experienced   Miller et al. found ■ present tense for assertions that continue to be true   *describe how data are presented in the paper    data are summarized as means士SD   *what the tables show, what you believe, and what the data suggest    The greater weight loss suggests    The explanation for this difference is not clear.    Potential explanations incudes…

4.7 punctuation

破折号和括号要谨慎使用 1、semicolon,分号   The semicolon connects two independent clauses.

2、Colon 冒号   The second amplifies or extends the first.    Washington has a simple solution to most governments it doesn’t like: isolate them, slap sanctions on them, and wait for their downfall.

3、Dash,破折号   ■Use the dash to add emphasis or to insert an abrupt definition or description almost anywhere in the sentence.   ■Just don’t overuse it    The drugs did more than prevent new fat accumulation. They also triggered overweight mice to shed significant amounts of fat——up to half their body weight. (emphasis)   To establish that the marrow cells——also called adult stem cells or endothelial precursor cells- can colonize the eye (definition)

5 Revision 5.1 Paragraphs

一段不要太长,可以划分为多个小段落 在本段的开头写本段的目的,末尾也要成为亮点。 过渡词很重要,但也不要太多

词 : 圈画动词,把动词改出来 句子:删除语义重复部分 段落:清楚每一段的目的和重点,概括本段的逻辑流程,清除与本段目标不相关的部分

5.2 Cut unnecessary words and phrases

很难删掉的话,可以新建一个word,看看每个单词是否可以留下来, examples (see in 2.5)

Common clutter: ■1. Dead weight words and phrases    As it is well known;    As it has been shown;    It can be regarded that;    It should be emphasized that ■2. Empty words and phrases    basic tenets of; methodologic; important ■3.Long words or phrase that could be short ■4. Unnecessary jargon and acronyms ■5. Repetitive words or phrases successful solutions. ■6. Adverbs very, really, quite, basically, generally, etc.


5.2 Write with verbs

■use strong verbs(Use " Is are was were be been am ‘’ verbs purposefully and sparingly.) ■avoid turning verbs into nouns ■don’t bury the main verb

5.3 A few more tips:

repetition, key words, and acronyms ■Avoid using a word twice within the same sentence or even paragraph ■关键词的命名方式要保持重复

在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述

A few grammar tips ■. "Data are’’ not “Data is” . ■. Compared to Vs. Compared with   Compare to = to point out similarities between different things   Compare with** (used more often in science)= to point out differences between similar things

Parallelism example:If you want to be a good doctor you must study hard, listen well, and think critically about the medical literature. (imperative, imperative, imperative)

When writing about others’ ideas/work: You must understand the material well enough and draw your own conclusions.




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